LexMantra is actively engaged in providing pro bono legal services. The Firm has been providing legal representation and assistance to various not-for-profit/ charitable organizations, and also been active in the areas of free counselling, mediation and dispute resolution. Litigation services are also extended in deserving cases for economically weaker sections of society. The firm also takes up public causes and is equipped to file Public Interest Litigation (PILs) in courts, if it’s necessary in greater public interest.
The Firm is the lead partner of Kalinga Kusum, (www.kalingakusum.org), a Social Enterprise in its “Access to Justice” initiative. It has been providing support (financial, intellectual & manpower) to Kalinga Kusum; which is working to legally empower the marginalised communities and vulnerable groups to seek remedies and demand justice, and to increase the ability &institutional capacities of justice service providers to deliver justice in conformity with national and international human rights principles and standards.